For the company

For the company - Marco en Matthieu

Companies operate in a continuously changing environment where opportunities and threats alternate. BeStacking aims to invest in a select group of companies that are or can become intrinsically good companies. We assist those companies in improving their organization and as a result accelerate.

As soon as BeStacking joins as your partner, the company will notice that work is being done on those areas that make and keep a company fit for future. As far as we are concerned, that includes developing the following areas: competitive advantage, organization, capital structure, etc. 
The company and its long-term perspective are the basis of our journey.

Whether there are buy & build opportunities (in the Netherlands or Europe), a financial or operational (re)structuring is needed or a carve-out needs to take place, with BeStacking you involve a partner who has done it all and several times, as an investor as well as an operator. 


Execute a clear strategy

Matthieu van Amerongen

What makes a company successful? In addition to a dose of luck, it is mainly the result of being aware. Aware of the dynamics of the market in which your company operates, aware of the phase of the market in which your company operates, aware of the culture in the company and aware of your own impact as an entrepreneur.

I’ve seen well-organized companies fail because they operate in complex markets. In contrast, a well-chosen market can lead to success for more than a normal proportion of companies active in that market.

We help companies develop a strategy that fits their value strategy and we help companies to successfully execute that strategy. You will be positively surprised with the results if the company finds the right balance, is client centric and dares to think big.

For the entrepreneur

Alignment of financial interests combined with a long-term focus distinguish our structural setup. It is the basis of our success.

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For the employee

Life-long development is an asset to everybody. The pace and direction are determined by you.

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